As we inch closer to the NUS-Great Eastern Water Polo Challenge 2010, teamNUS Water Polo wants to recognise our sponsors and thank them for their support.
teamNUS Water Polo would like to thank it's sponsors:
Great Eastern Life for sponsoring the title and the tournament.
THORB for co-sponsoring our tournament apparel, and sponsoring goodie bag items and prizes.
Singapore Water Polo for sponsoring referees, officials, equipments and prizes.
Advisors Alliance for sponsoring prize monies.
The Heeren for sponsoring goodie bags and vouchers.
NaughtyG for sponsoring energy drinks.
Zouk for sponsoring entry passes and tables.
Frolick for sponsoring vouchers.
Nestle for sponsoring the Milo trucks.
NutriFirst for sponsoring goodie bag items.
NUS Office of Alumni Relations for sponsoring goodie bag items.
Looking for some pre-semester excitement? Caught up in the Polo Boys fever? Or just yearning for some eye candy? Look no further than your very own NUS Water Polo Boys!
This coming January, the NUS – Great Eastern Water Polo Challengewill be held at the SRC pool! It promises thrills and spills and intense water action between various varsity and polytechnic teams, all looking to stake a claim to the trophy! This year’s installment will feature 9 boys’ teams, and for the first time ever, 4 girls’ teams.
The high level of play promises to be an exciting eye-opener! We need you! So do make some time to come down to the pool and lend us your support.
For more information, please contact Biwei at Our facebook group can be found HERE.
Feel the excitement and cheer your very own NUS Water Polo Team! Bear witness to a clash of titans as we fight to keep the challenge trophy at home, here in Kent Ridge.
The NUS - Great Eastern Water Polo Challenge 2010 is presented by Great Eastern Life. We are also kindly sponsored by Thorb, Singapore Water Polo, Naughty G, Heeren Shops, Nutrifirst, Frolick, Nestle and Zouk.
teamNUS Water Polo presents the NUS - Great Eastern Water Polo Challenge 2010CARNIVAL DAY!
Drag your friends down and visit the booths brought to you by our sponsors (plus attractive doorgifts and freebies definitely) and some free workshops, not to mention sporting excitement as the entire Carnival will be running concurrent with our Semi-Finals!
This year, the carnival will feature an all-new FLIPPA BALL event, which is a modified version of Water Polo/ Handball played in the shallows. NO EXPERIENCE is needed, and admission is FREE. All YOU have to do is sign up HERE, and not forget to turn up on the day itself!
What: Flippa Ball Novelty Event When: 16th Jan 2010, 12pm - 4pm Where: NUS SRC Pool Who: Anyone who is interested (must be comfortable in the water)
Form teams of 6-8 with your friends, and get ready to rumble! If you do not have enough numbers to form a team, fret not! Just indicate to us, and we will help to match you up with others without a complete team.
All participants will receive an ENTRY PACKAGE (consisting of a t-shirt and other apparels) and winners will receive all sorts of attractive PRIZES! Lucky Draws will be held throughout the event, and who knows, it might be your lucky day!
The NUS - Great Eastern Water Polo Challenge 2010 is presented by Great Eastern Life. We are also kindly sponsored by Thorb, Singapore Water Polo, Naughty G, Heeren Shops, Nutrifirst, Frolick, Nestle and Zouk
Our 3 superstars are now having fun in Laos, in their bid to win Singapore's 23rd consecutive SEA Games Gold Medal. (Link) They're even on the cover page of yesterday's Straits Times.
So let's wish them the best of luck!
And this is pretty interesting, especially around 0:30.